We have been called to evangelize

The truth is that we have all been called to preach the holy gospel of Christ. And it is good that if we talk about evangelizing we know what the gospel is, since in this way we will do the work that we really have to do. We must be very careful and very aware of the words we are going to say out there, and not preach anything other than the gospel.

We all have a mandate and that is the great commission, we all have that call, there is no one so small in the body of Christ to not have that call. The famous missionary Hudson Taylor said:

“I would never say that it takes a special call to go to China. With the facts before you and with the commandment of the Lord Jesus to go and preach the gospel to every creature, rather you need to find out if you have a Special call to stay at home”.

We have the mandate to go and preach the gospel in all its fullness:

15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Mark 16:15-16

We have been called to preach the gospel, we have the mandate there. But before going out to preach, we must know the great meaning of the Gospel. The gospel is nothing more than presenting that Christ left His throne, came to this earth, became man for us, died with the death of crucifixion, rose on the third day in power and in glory to tear down that wall between us and God, and the truth is that it comes once again for His saints. That is the gospel! A message that has enough power to transform the vilest sinner.

Preaching the gospel is a real and most important task in the church of Christ. We can not drown in activities for ourselves and forget those who are out there needy of God.

We have not received the grace to not to share the light with someone else:

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

1 Peter 2:9

We have been called to announce the light of Christ, to flood this world with the most sublime message in the existence of humanity: The gospel, the message that contains enough power to save sinners.

We pray to God that He will give us strength and enough wisdom to continue carrying this gospel of grace to every corner of this world.

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1 comment on “We have been called to evangelize

  1. you say that you’re teaching the people the Bible which is a great thing but are you teaching them these end times because that’s also in the Bible and that is what should be being taught right now but you know pastors priests whatever are not teaching this which shows me that Satan is alive and well in the churches God bless

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