New Charles Spurgeon Study Bible

A lot of emotion in recent years regarding the new study Bibles, but the one that has attracted a lot of attention is the Spurgeon Study Bible. Charles Spurgeon was a preacher who died more than a century ago, however, he has left us so much good theology, that all his writings, as well as sermons and books, are enough to make a Spurgeon study Bible.

Spurgeon spoke some good words that should help us understand the beauty found in the Bible, the power found in the Word of God, and that is why we should be diligent in the study of the Scriptures:

Within the Scriptures there is a balm for each wound, an ointment for each sore.

The new Spurgeon study Bible is important because we have the confidence that this was a true man of God. Starting from that point, it is good to note that through all the verses in this Bible we can find notes of Spurgeon’s sermons, sketches of his sermons and Spurgeon’s phrases throughout the Bible.

Another characteristic of the Spurgeon Bible is that its version is the King James Version.

Without a doubt, this Bible is a great blessing for those who want to deepen the Word of God and for those who preach.

Have you ever read a Spurgeon sermon? Without a doubt Spurgeon’s sermons help readers understand depths in passages in the Bible that you can find small, but seeing the depth with which Spurgeon treats them, you will see the unparalleled treasure found in every letter of the Bible.

We encourage you to purchase the Spurgeon Study Bible so that you can go deeper into the Scriptures with the help of God.

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