The Lord protects us

The Lord is who protects us, only in Him is that we should trust, do not think in what the enemy is plotting against us. Let’s not faint just have patience because God never arrives late, He arrives at the moment we least expect.

There are bad moments that come to our lives, where difficulties disturb us and hit our hearts, and because of those bad moments we have, the doubt begin to enter our hearts. This makes that we do not believe in God, who is our helper, who protects us.

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

Psalm 5:11

That is why every day we must give thanks to God and glorify Him with all our hearts, because He is worthy to adore Him, for His wonderful works, we must recognize that our protection comes from the Lord.

But it is good that every day we cling totally to Him, trusting in Him, giving everything for the Lord, because there is no one else that can deliver us from the bad, only He gives us the peace we need, and only in Him we must trust all the time.

The joy that runs through our interior, should never be extinguished, because God is the one who gives us that peace, He is our helper, who protects us, the Lord never turns His back on His children.

Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous;
you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

Psalm 5:12

The blessing of the righteous is given by the Lord and those blessings are lasting, and He not only will give him material blessing, He will also bless him spiritually, and His shield will be in protection of each of His children, just trust Him, because He is the only one that can help you.

You will answer, oh Lord
Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ

3 comments on “The Lord protects us

  1. The Lord protects us
    “But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
    let them ever sing for joy.
    Spread your protection over them,
    that those who love your name may rejoice in you.” Psalm 5:11

    Who of us that are walking in the way that lead to Father’s home may be fearful that the Lord abandon us or let us be harmed by the Devil or his followers?

    It is possible for the Lord to let the Devil attacks us so that we show that we really trust in the Lord, and so that our soul may be comforted by his power. This is because our Lord loves us and he knows well where our enemy is, his cunning way of acting and his snares.

    Our God knows everything. No one can cheat the Almighty, the Lord of Hosts, he has thousands of angels that serve Him that encamp around his children to protect them.

    Now, anybody can cast doubt on the Lord who wants to help us. He looks after our security.

    I think the matter is that we cast doubt on Him because we have lack of faith, and sometimes we forget to our Lord who is our defender.

    Those who take refuge in the Lord God can be glad and sing for joy, To those that love his name he will spread his protection over them. Amen.

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