Possibly we have all read about the prophet Jeremiah and we remember all the situations that he had to face many times because he was a prophet of God for the people of Israel, a people who often felt corrupt and hard to hear, and this turned many of the prophet’s scenarios into bitter, hard, difficult and humiliating.
The Bible tells us very clearly about Jeremiah, from his call to be a prophet to his great prophecies so that the people of Israel understood the words of God, and tells us about those bitter moments he had to go through to give the Word of God. Imagine for a moment that in the church that you are attending you talk about what the Bible says and nobody wants to hear. It happened to Jeremiah that he spoke the word of God and the people of Israel did not want to listen, they did not believe in his words and this led him to be imprisoned on certain occasions and at such a hard level of impotence and pain that he even had to curse the day of his birth.
But beyond those hard moments he received words of joy from God. Let’s see these biblical verses:
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Thank you Lord for all you do for me on my life, help me understand what this trial I am going through, love you Lord
Words of joy
“Your words were found, and I ate them, And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; For I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts.” Jeremiah 15:16
Prophets and God’s men, sent by Him to prophesy in Israel and in the world, have been rebuffed throughout the years, scorned and sometimes imprisoned for teaching the Word of God, as happened to Elijah or Jeremiah, who were sent by God to announce His wrath for the rebellion of His people and the punishment they would receive.
The Lord God of hosts never left or abandoned his messengers, but they were always comforted and cheered up, as Elijah in the cave where the Lord was manifested to him by an earthquake, fire and a soft voice, and he God pointed out to him:
“Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth which has not kissed him”
1Kings 19:18
Or in the case of Jeremiah who was rescued from the muddy well and he was helped and comforted by the Lord.
The Lord God really does not need anyone to announce his Will, even stones could speak if people do not do it, but the power of God by his Spirit acts on men who serve Him and words of joy and consolation fill their souls to go on preaching in difficult times when men and women do not want to hear the Word of God.
The Lord God is a Sovereign God and his Will must be accomplished.
Glory to his name!