Restore to me the joy of your salvation

In this article we are going to write a bit about Psalm 51, but not without first highlighting that this Psalm was written by King David from the depths of his heart and his sensibilities as a human being. From the first verse we see his soul emptied before God, speaking as a man who has been destroyed and who recognizes his sin and simply cries out for God’s mercy. David wrote this psalm after he had committed a series of sins and simply no longer felt comfortable without God.

What do we feel when we sin? Really many times when we sin we only think about what people will say, but have we thought about what God will say? When we sin our greatest concern, it should not be men but God, that God who looks at us from heaven who is offended by our actions.

And David at that time did not have men in first line for the terrible fault he had committed but he felt extremely alone without God because he understood that he had transgressed all types of Law.

David begins this chapter with the following verse:

Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.

Psalm 51:1

The first thing is that we should never go to God justifying ourselves for what we know is wrong. Dear brother, before God there is no human justification, the only thing that justifies us is the precious blood of Christ on the cross but for this we must go before God with a totally repentant heart that recognizes its failure. Remember that God looks at the humble closely and the proud looks at him from afar.

But I want us to pay full attention to the following verse of this supplication of David:

Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

Psalm 51:12

It is good to point out that David had lost the joy of salvation, the joy of the Lord was no longer in him, and precisely because of this he had become involved in so many unpleasant acts. What I want to highlight with all this is that when we lose this joy we also get involved in things that are not pleasant the Lord and that is why, together with David, we should say: “Restore to me the joy of your salvation”.

If we have lost that joy we should ask God to relive that joy in us again, those moments where we only wanted to be in the house of God, those moments where the things of this world did not fill our eyes, where we only wanted to be close to the Lord and nothing else. If we have lost that joy this is the time to renew it before the Lord, to go in prayer and ask Him that we can no longer be without Him, that our souls are dejected and that without Him we can do nothing.

Dear brothers, I hope that these words can in some way comfort you in the Lord.

Do not boast of tomorrow
Blessed are those who keep my ways

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9 comments on “Restore to me the joy of your salvation

  1. Lord restore to me the joy if your salvation,have mercy on me Lord forgive me of all my sins,Lord with out you I can do nothing, Lord i recognize my trangresion please forgive me blot them out forever Lord i ask in Jesus name, amen.


    “If we have lost that joy this is the time to renew it before the Lord, to go in prayer and ask Him that we can no longer be without Him, that our souls are dejected and that without Him we can do nothing.”
    That is an exhortation of the Minister, who addresses us in today’s article.

    I agree fully with him and I dare to think about it a little more considering the wickedness of David, which brought him to separate from God’s fellowship during some time.

    I suppose you know this, but I want to remember now how David took Uriahs’ wife after waking up in the evening of a day and saw her bathing from his palace’s terrace. He found was beautiful. He sent for her and committed a sin of adultery.

    Sometimes a sin is linked to another: Uriah the Hittite was fighting in the army of David. He was a brave soldier who fought against enemies of Israel with fidelity to David. The king paid for his services snatching him his wife, and more, David ordered that Uriah was put in a dangerous place of the battle so that he should die. And he was killed.

    So, he married Bathsheba, wife of Uriah, and a child was begotten and she bore.

    All this was unpleasant to the Lord and prophet Nathan was sent to David to reprimand him for these sins, not befitting the kind of pious man he was.

    The punishment of God came:
    The child died and later his son Absalom rebelled against his father and there was a war between David and Absalom’s armies. Then, Absalom was killed.

    David suffered in both cases.
    When the child was sick, David was praying to the Lord for him in ashes and fasting until the child died. When his son Absalom was killed, he was overwhelmed and cried a lot for him.
    David’s soul fell in a dejected state. He was not in peace with God and he lost his strength in crying everyday. His soul lost the peace of God. He wrote:
    “For day and night your hand was heavy on me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. Selah.”. Phalm 32:4

    He felt so much distressed until he confessed his sins to the Lord and he got the joy of salvation again.

    Restore to me the joy of your salvation
    and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Psalm 51:12.
    The Lord God listene to David’s request and he wrote:
    “Then shall you be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offering…. and whole burnt offering:” Psalm 51:19.

    If we are affected by the heavy burden of sin, we ought to go closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and confess our guilt to Him, since we are sanctified through the offering of his body once for all. We shall be forgiven and…

    Then, the Lord God through Jesus Christ will restore us the joy of his salvation. Amen.

  3. Amen, thank you alphanzo for contributing and reminding us of the full story of what happened, sometimes we pray but forget some of the sins we committed and we wonder why God did not answer us but we all have to ask fod to blot out our transgression and forgive us of our sins humble ourselves before him before we can truly hear from him. I thank him with all my heart for his grace and mercy towards me. Amen

  4. My soul was truly bless with psalms 51 god is good and his mercy endurth for ever oh come taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man that put his trust in him. Hallelujah thank you Jesus. Lord you are worthy to be praise from the risen of the sun until the going down of the same. Only a clean hands and a pure heart can see God.

  5. That’s right Dorothy,
    It is good for our soul to recognize we have sinned and go closer to the Lord Jesus to confess it to him.
    This give comfort to us and restore our fellowship with Him.
    Do not worry to much about some sin you have committed in the past if someone not have been hurt. We must correct our failures.
    Ask you the Lord he forgives them and trust on him.
    Good evening!

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