What good will it be to gain the whole world if you lose your soul?

We focus on having everything except salvation, since people only think about gaining everything that exists in this world, every day that passes we see how things change, science every day that passes continues to advance.

What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

Matthew 16:26

That is why it is more important that we know that everything we see around us will pass, but there is something that will never pass and this is the Word of God, and all of us who are in God’s way will be saved.

Everyone who believes in the promises that the Lord has made to each of His children will receive it when they least expect it, this is the faith of everyone who believes in Almighty God.

What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

Matthew 16:27

One day, everyone who kept the Word of God will receive His reward because, as the Father has promised, He will also fulfill it, because He is God and He does not lie, He is a God who is always aware of all those who keep His Word.

We must recognize each day our mistakes before the Lord and not only recognize, but we must humble ourselves, repent, practice justice, and move forward.

“Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”

Matthew 16:28

Every moment that passes we have to be confident and believe in the promise that the Almighty God has promised to all who remain in Him, that is why Jesus said these words that are faithful and true.

Brotherly love and hospitality
Prayer for the danger of the deceitful tongue

9 comments on “What good will it be to gain the whole world if you lose your soul?

  1. I thank you lord for saving my soul and help me not to just seek after material things but seek after you ,I pray the you will help me to never stop from following you through the leading of your holy spirit and your word in jesus name I pray amen

  2. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?
    Matthew 16:27
    Why is a soul so important?
    Because it is a spirit, like God who is spirit. The Soul was made in the image of God, when human being was made in Paradise. As it is written Adam was made a living soul. If a surgeon opens our body, we know, he cannot find a Soul anywhere. We can’t see God, so nobody can see a Soul.
    But the Bible tells us a lot about Soul and its importance. When our days here will be over, the Lord God will take out our soul from us.
    “But God said to him, You fool, this night your SOUL shall be required of you… “ (Luke 12:20).

    In some years our body shall be destroyed, but our soul shall be required by its creator at the moment we die.
    “And as it is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment:” (Hebrews 9:27)

    Then we must be prepared on that day when our Lord takes this He put inside of us, which is of Him. Our SOUL.
    In the Lord Jesus Christ we trust, that he will come with his angel, who will usher us to the place he has kept for us, to wait for judgment’s Day.
    In the coming of the Lord some shall be risen for life, others for damnation. We pray the Lord for the salvation of people.

    May our Lord have mercy of us all.

  3. Lord I thank you for your mercy and grace and i thank you for saving my soul, Lord please help me to serve you more and not live for the world, i pray for my family to live for you Lord so when the world comes to and end we can all go to heaven to be with the Lord, i praise your precious name always and forever Lord. Lord I pray that you will heal me from this cancer and make my lungs stronger in Jesus name I pray amen.

  4. hallelujah, thank you lord for another day allow to see a beautiful day today and to feel your holy spirit thank you jesus cover us your holy gosh,and wash us your holy blood jesus, protect our family and friends to enemies in jesus mighty name amen!

  5. Oh, Patricia, I did not know you have such a very important disease.
    I have none doubt the Lord God has all might to cure you.
    I pray for you to the Lord, so that your lungs be cured if that is his purpose about you in this life here.
    May the Lord God bless you my sister in Jesus Christ, Alfonso

  6. Heavenly Father! Thank You For Your Grace And Mercy..Thank You For Suppling all of our needs..Please Have Mercy on Our Souls..Guide those who are lost, heal those who are in need of healing..You Are So Worthy To Be Praised..Thank You Lord!! Amen!!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾

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