How to grow for salvation

The first thing is that the only way to obtain salvation is through the death of Christ on the cross, there is no other way, it is not something that we can obtain by ourselves or by our good works. The only work that has been able to satisfy the divine will of God is the death or the finished work of Christ on the cross, that blood that gave us salvation and eternal life. The only one who can save us is God, so trying to save ourselves by our own strength is an attempt that will always fail.

We already know that salvation can not be obtained in a human way, but it is a divine intervention, but we must also understand that we are not Christians to sit or do what we want, we must act, even if the works do not save us, we must understand that a saved Christian will do good deeds, behave as such, live as such.

2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,

3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

1 Pedro 2:2-3

We must wish as children the Word of God. If you are really a Christian, what you should most desire in your life is the Word of God, to desire it as a child wishes to drink milk, because this Word is what makes us grow in this way, which makes us grow to be true Christians , then, is the only way to know the only true God.

Let us continue to grow for salvation on this path and remember that there is nothing more important than our God, that He shed His precious blood for us on the cross and there is nothing with which we can pay, we only have to live a life submitted to Him and His Word.

Prayer for the danger of the deceitful tongue
Man shall not live by bread alone

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7 comments on “How to grow for salvation

  1. • Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.
    • Psalm 119:105
    • God’s Word says that men and women by birth are rebels, unbelievers and separated of God. At first in the Creation it was not so, then they were created to the image of God, pure and holy, but they wanted to be like God Himself, creatures at the level of the Creator, knowing all good and evil. They had a free will and, tempted by Devil, fell down from their marvellous state, they were disobedient and sinned against their Creator, they were punished. The seed of evil came in the perfect World of God. Adam and Eve transmitted their heirs, to all men and women, a spirit of rebellion that made us be God’s enemies and removed from His Glory.
    • Now, we find the madness of the Gospel: God Himself in the body of a perfect and holy man is sent to this world to pay for the guiltiness of every man and woman who believe in Him. That good man is Jesus Christ. He came to take believers back to the Glory they had lost in Paradise.
    • The incarnate God the Lord Jesus, was arrested like an evil man, a criminal, and he was punished, as usual in that time, with death on the cross.
    • Jews, those men who had accused Him before Pilatus and had asked him to crucify the Lord, then crucified him, but they did not know they were fulfilling God’s Will, although they were guilty of Jesus Christ crucifixion.
    • Then, all believers of all times have been blessed by the death of Christ on a Cross. Our sin is forgiven, Jesus Christ ‘s blood cleanses us from all our sin and makes us just, perfect people, to the sight of the Father, and adopted children of God…
    • “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
    • (Romans 6:23).
    • God be glorified because he has made us blessed people for Him in his Glory.

  2. Amen father I thank you for your healing, kindness forgiveness unconditional love and peace that only you can give thankful for the blood covering for me and my family thy thank you being my provider and help in times of need I will always praise your name to the end of my days here in the earth bless you sweet Jesus

  3. Amen thank you Jesus for your mercy and grace and thank you for saving my soul and giving me another day to celebrate your love for without you i can do nothing thank you Jesus for all your blessings in Jesus name I pray, amen

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