Teach me to do your will

Every day it is good that we learn to do God’s will, because when we do His will, our life changes, it is a way to learn more about God and accept what God wants with us.

Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God;
may your good Spirit
lead me on level ground.

Psalm 143:10

Here we see one of the supplications of the Psalmist David, asking God to teach him to do His will, implying that the will of God was good in his life, doing the will of God is something that not everyone has proposed.

Many people ask God for their needs, but they do it in an incorrect way, such as ordering God to fulfill their requests. We can not forget that God gives when He wants, in His time, not in our time.

For your name’s sake, Lord, preserve my life;
in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble.

Psalm 143:11

It is good that we understand that if we learn to do His will and wait in His time, the Lord will fulfill our requests, but something we must keep in mind is that God does not receive orders, He is sovereign and is above us.

Sometimes we hear people asking the Lord with demands, thinking that God is going to do it because they say it, but it is not so. God likes submissive people and that they expect His will to be done.

In your unfailing love, silence my enemies;
destroy all my foes,
for I am your servant.

Psalm 143:12

The Psalmist David asked God, but he also knew how to wait in Him, remember that God knows what time He should act, that is why God defeated those who persecuted the psalmist, defeated his adversaries, and it was because David knew how to wait for the will of God in Him.

A faith of greater worth than gold
Rejoice that your name is written in heaven

11 comments on “Teach me to do your will

  1. • I agree with the message and I’m sure that the heavenly Father is wise and knows everything we need. We must wait for Him and wishing that his Will be done over the Heaven and the Earth.
    When we pray it is good for us to humble before God, asking for our need, but wanting and accepting God’s Will.
    Our Father in heaven may be in every place, and he Knows perfectly we are needed persons. He made us and he knows too that we ought to eat to cover our body, having a place where staying and we need other people who loves us. We need a work to earn our life.
    If we are trusting in Him, he gives us all things and more. We must be honest people and so his Will shall be accomplished.
    We must be grateful to his gifts and when we pray, I’m sure that it will help us if we think, it be God’s Will, and we will wait for His time. The time of God. Let God helps us!

  2. God always wants us to be humbled and patience in his time. I know I am supposed to be in a patience mode and waiting on Him but I have been a bit of a pusher wanting things to happen fast. God tells us to do his will and to be patient and wait for the time to come when we’re ready.

  3. Amen Father God..I Will Patienly Wait On My Lord..For He Knows My Burdens and Struggles..Thank You Lord!! Amen🙏🏾🙌🏾❤️

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