Where is your God?

In the life we are presented with situations in which the unbelievers ask us: Where is your God ?. The Lord is around us, He is the one who takes care of all mankind, but there are moments where we become ignorant, and we think that He is not near to us.

If God was not around us, then the enemy would destroy us, but it is not so because God warns us of all the evil that wants to attack us. He is always attentive to His creation. God looks at everything that exists from the heavens.

I say to God my Rock,
“Why have you forgotten me?
Why must I go about mourning,
oppressed by the enemy?”

Psalm 42:9

There are moments that we must take into account that God is not far from us, the writer of this psalm at one moment felt dejected and heartbroken, but he said some words saying that He is his God and his rock, giving understand that the Lord cared for and strengthened him.

My bones suffer mortal agony
as my foes taunt me,
saying to me all day long,
“Where is your God?”

Psalm 42:10

It must be said that this man was persecuted by his adversaries, who gave false hope by saying: Where is your God? But he is always trusting in God.

No matter how much his adversaries tell him “where is your God?” he did not recoil from these words that were thrown at him, God likes the people who think, as well as this man, who, although he had people attacking him, he did not back down, but kept going forward.

Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

Psalm 42:11

Actually, we have moments in which we can no longer, and someone says “Where is your God?”, “Look how you are, dejected, without hope”, when we know that it is not like that, because God is always attentive to everything what we do, even He, sees all those who want to harm us, but God will always arrive on time and will rid us of all those who persecute us.

A sun of justice for those who fear in His name
The Lord sends poverty and wealth

7 comments on “Where is your God?

  1. My bones suffer mortal agony
    as foes taunt me,
    saying to me all day long,
    “Where is your God?” Psalm 42:10

    Our God knows everything we are passing. Like a earthly father looks after his children whom he loves, and sometimes he is not able to help them, much more our Heveanly Father who is in heavens can know perfectly both the less and the more, outside and inside our body an soul. Our Lord God wants the better things for us in our stay here in the earth and he longs and he looks for our soul our confort and salvation. The Lord Jesus Crist is the guarantee of all blessings we are receiving.
    Where is my God? He is everywhere, our Father is in the Heaven, there is not room wchich sustain to him, he test me and leave work the enemy against me, as did with Job, but he never will leave us nor permit that the Devil touch our soul.
    We must allways trust in Him,
    Then may love him, He loves us the first. Tank you, Oh Lord God of my life.

    1. I agree. But then I thought as long as we understand the message we should be more tolerant and hopefully the person that wrote this will be more cateful next time

  2. Thank you Lord for let me know you are not too far from me. When the enemies try to through things at me i have to remind them my GOd Is great. They cannot no longer put fear on me. Thank you heavenly Father I praise you & glorify you in the name of king Jesus Christ. Amen!

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