God created mankind upright, but they have gone in search of many schemes

We all know the history of Genesis, that moment when God created the heavens and the earth, the animals, the plants and of course, man. The Bible reveals to us that God created man in the image and likeness of God, but later on he disobeys the divine command and sins against God, and in this way sin is transferred to all humanity and therefore death.

The Bible also tells us that the thoughts of men were continuous evil. King David also tells us in the book of Psalms that all had rebelled, that there was no one to do good, and this Paul mentions again in his letter to the Romans. So, man from the beginning, despite being right facts, they turned aside and inclined towards evil.

Solomon also tells us a bit about this when he says in the book of Ecclesiastes:

27 “Look,” says the Teacher, “this is what I have discovered:

“Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things—

28 while I was still searching
but not finding—
I found one upright man among a thousand,
but not one upright woman among them all.

29 This only have I found:
God created mankind upright,
but they have gone in search of many schemes.”

Ecclesiastes 7:27-29

The preacher tells us something of which the whole Bible also speaks to us and is about the total depravity of man. Actually man has deviated by abhorring the good, even Christ came to die for us, worked miracles, did feats never before seen, however, the Bible says: He came to his own, and his own did not receive him (John 1:11).

Dear brothers, even though we are totally depraved, Christ makes us accepted through His great sacrifice on the cross for our sins, and this is what drives us to live a life in full holiness and not do the things that displease God. Let’s seek God with all our heart and give glory to His mighty Name.

The Lord sends poverty and wealth
The holy supper of the Lord Jesus Christ

7 comments on “God created mankind upright, but they have gone in search of many schemes

  1. In the beginning God the Creator made the man upright.
    And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness …. (Gen.1-26) but the man, Adam and Eve, fell in the net of the Devil and were disobedients to their creator, the seed of sin came in the man and from that day forward all people from the birth bring it inside. They were punished and cast off from de presence of God. They went on their own schemes for their lives, they should die eslaves of the Devil and the sin.
    But God did not wants to abandon his creatures, he gave them a solution to live. From the woman’seed should come a liberator, a Saviour, JESUS, the Christ sent, the Only Begotten Son of God.
    All people who believe in Jesus Christ have life, everlasting Life.
    Let us raise our thoughts to God in a magnificat for his love and mercy toward us.


  2. Thank you Jesus for saving us even though we sin against you, your loving kindness is everlasting. Praise you Jesus.

  3. Thank you Lord while I was nothing you make me the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ. We praise you & glorify your Name in Jesus Christ. Amen!

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