Faith comes from hearing

We find many men of faith in the Bible, but before naming them we have to know what the word faith means. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:1: “Therefore, faith is the certainty of what is expected, the conviction of what is not seen.” Yes, many men of the Bible had that definition of faith, believed in God even without having received what was promised, and possibly our most striking example to date is that of Abraham, however, the Bible tells us of many other men of God that had incredible faith and reading about them today fills us with much rejoicing and hope.

The apostle Paul said to the Romans:

14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

16 But not all the Israelites accepted the good news. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our message?”

17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

Romans 10:14-17

All these men believed in God by a word, and of course, a word from God. Abraham believed in God when He said, “Get out of your land and from your relatives to the land that I will show you.” In the book of Hebrews it also says that Moses remained as seeing the Invisible, that is, let us remember, Moses was raised in the palace of Pharaoh, but when the time came, he did not refuse to belong to the people of God. We also have men like Daniel, who did not care about being thrown into a pit full of lions, and what about Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego? These three young men preferred to be thrown into a furnace of fire, and all because they believed mightily in God.

How many more men could we mention? I think I would fill these pages with thousands of words, because we have had men who have believed in God incredibly throughout history. Paul says: “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” We are here because we have heard the Word of God and that word has produced in us the faith that we have today.

Let us keep our faith always, believing that God is powerful to free us from all evil and stand firm until the end.

Anyone born of God does not continue to sin
The Lord will come

9 comments on “Faith comes from hearing

  1. Good news of salvation from the punishment that men and women deserve for ours sins are of the utmost importance to avoid been eternally separated from God suffering in a gloomy place, the Hell.

    We need believing both in God who is just and merciful, and in the Hell too. God, the Father, has sent his only Begotten Son to this world to save those who have received the faith to believe in Him. Those who are not rebels and accept the gift of God, Jesus Christ.
    The faith is so importance that without it is impossible to please to God.
    I give thanks to the Lord God for his giving and the work of his Son, the forgiveness of my sins and the Eternal Life with Him.

  2. תודה אבא שבשמים על האהבה הגדולה שלך אלינו בני האדם. על בינך יחידך שהקרבת עבורינו. הקורבן האחון!
    מתפללת אני שתעזור לחסרון אמונתינו חזק את קהילתך בימים אלה . באהבתך האין סופית.
    בשם האדון ישוע המשיח אמן.

  3. תודה אבא שבשמים על האהבה הגדולה שלך אלינו בני האדם. על בינך יחידך שהקרבת עבורינו. הקורבן האחרון!
    מתפללת אני שתעזור לחסרון אמונתינו חזק את קהילתך בימים אלה . באהבתך האין סופית.
    בשם האדון ישוע המשיח אמן.

  4. Two replies on the comentary written in an strange language that few people know here in Europe, nor in America are not profitable to edify our soul nor our mind, as the apostle Paul writes to corinthians’churh. He says:
    “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.”
    (1Corinth 13:1)
    Those two replies has been written without charity and may be profitable to few people wchich know that language.
    I beg your pardon!!!

  5. Amen absolutely without faith we are hopeless but if you faith the size of a mustard seed that’s all it takes to believe in God.

  6. Am really blessed on today’s message. God bless you. .This means if we had great men and women of faith then we can make it happen by trusting and believing in God no matter the hardship. My dear brethren, let us together stand in faith for if our forefathers made it, we can also make it happen. Pls let us learn the word of God and memorize it like you have exam to write in school..for without the word of God, you can not have faith. Therefore, study the word of God to show thyself approved. Amen

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