Huge love

A song by Marcos Vidal says: “Oh what love, immense love, inexhaustible, that has no end”… This is the love of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, who gave it all for us, who did not counted His life as something of value, but He offered His precious blood and by His death today we live. I think the reason to be happy every morning is that Jesus loves us as no one loves us, and that must be the source of our motivation, yes it should be.

The author of the Hebrews said:

fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:2

Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, in Him all our hopes are born, and in Him we rejoice greatly because He has loved us with an inexhaustible love, He suffered death on a cross for us, can you imagine? Being nailed to a cross for love of sinners, bad people, people who love sin, however, every drop of blood that fell from that tree cried out for mercy and said: “Father, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing”.

By the death of our beloved Lord today we can all sing together: “Oh what love, immense love, inexhaustible, that has no end, that even suffering and exhausted, despised and dying rescuested, multitudes and me.” Christ has rescued us from sin and hell dear brother and that is enough to cause great joy in us.

The apostle Peter said:

18 For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors,

19 but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.

1 Peter 1:18-19

Glory to God! The immense love of Christ has saved us …

We are all sinners
Let us really love

8 comments on “Huge love

  1. Thank you for the words the good news of our Loed Jesus Christ,without Love we are doomed. Thank you God for the unconditional Love.

  2. Oh! What a love, inmense, inexhaustible love, God the Father from heaven has sent his beloved Son to die for me.
    God from the heaven a Saviour has sent to rescue me from the death.
    The Lord Jesus Christ came to the earth to suffer and been nailed on a Cross for my brothers and for me.
    I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has prepared a place in the Father’s House for my brothers and for me.
    Glory the Lord, glory the Lord!
    Jesus has saved us all.!

  3. Amen. I cannot find the words to describe how much the Lord has done for me and the love he gives me every day, he is the most precious thing in this world. Lord Jesus Christ i love you with all my heart, please continue to forgive me of my sins and by your grace and mercy i know i am saved. Amen

  4. Lord please forgive me of my sins and please continue forgiving me thank you for loving me and letting me see another day I couldn’t go on without your help Lord I need your love in Jesus Name I Pray AMEN.

  5. By your words Patricia, someone could be aware you are going in the right way, in the faith’s way… You belief in Jesus Christ.
    The Holy Spirit are working in you, I think you are saved. The Lord Jesus Chist is your saviour, His blood has cleaned all your sins.
    Jesus said: “Whoever belief en me has evelasting life” I wish the Lord God bless you.

  6. Amen et Gloire à son nom pour vos prières et témoignages. Je vois sa gloire dans ma vie tous les jours.
    Merci notre père éternel, celui qu’on peut appeler à n’importe quel moment sans avoir le sentiment de l’avoir dérangé.

  7. I love you Lord thank you for your love indeed your love comfort us knowing that someone love us God himself , so i thank you father; help me live a good life, to read your word everyday that’s my prayer Amen

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