Christ died for the ungodly

On one occasion, while a renowned preacher was exhorting in a university about the death of Christ for humanity, a young university student stood up from his seat and asked: How can the death of a single man save millions from hell? To which the preacher replied: Do you know why? Because that only man, you can put next to Him the most beautiful, the brightest, gather all the constellations, gather all the men that have existed and nothing of all that can be compared to the sanctity, to the beauty of that single man. Hallelujah! The death of Christ on the cross saved us from hell and sin, yes, one man, dear brother.

In the world there have been several men who have made great efforts to destroy slavery, to create human rights, to make free and independent certain countries that have been governed by a ruling dictatorship, however, none of these men is at the height of that man of sorrows, of that Christ who offered His life as a sacrifice to save bad and corrupt people.

The apostle Paul wrote about this to the Romans:

6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.

7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die.

8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:6-8

The first thing is that when we were dead in our crimes and sins, God Himself offered His only Son as a sacrifice for our sins, offering us salvation and freeing us from eternal death in hell.

Who would be able to love as Christ has loved? Who would be able to give everything as Christ has given everything? Christ gave everything for us, humbled Himself to the utmost, and conquered His precious life for us on a cross, abandoning His throne of glory. Praise Christ for this and live for Him and His glory!

God has shown for us the maximum expression of love, that being us sinners, He sent His Son to die for us.

God does not ignore the cries of the afflicted
We rise up and stand firm

10 comments on “Christ died for the ungodly

  1. Hallelujah god does not ignore cries of people yesterday I cry asked God that please God give me 3 number of lunch time I don’t have money inside my house after that @ 15:30 I check the result of lunch time I entered with 3 namba and I widraw 1200 same day and I asked myself that ya God is great all the time amen

  2. Our God is an awesome God, he loved us, while we were yet sinners, he sent his son to die for us. What manner of love is this? We are blessed and favoured Amen and Amen

  3. I’m thinkful for everything God has done for me we had a fire back in August it put us homeless for about a month but God did provide for us Amen.

  4. Hallelujah to the Lamb God bless be his Holy name,no one can match the love that God had for us , praise you dear Lord for loving me enough to send your son to die on the cross for me. Thank you Jesus for saving my soul .amen

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