Abide in Him

The way of the gospel is not as easy as living a normal life doing what we want, the way of the gospel implies many things, the main one of all is to deny ourselves, what we like, and many times our dreams, because of this way we teach the world that we have nothing to do with this temporary place, but we are looking for a celestial city, whose architect is God.

We were called not just to occupy another place in the church, but we were called to remain in God, in His teachings, to live them and in this way be firm for those difficult moments in the Christian life. It is not like many people today paint a modern gospel, but it is about the gospel of the cross, dear brothers, to suffer for Him and live for Him.

27 As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.

28 And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.

29 If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of him.

1 John 2:27-29

Biblical doctrine is an essential part of the Christian life and precisely this is what the apostle tells us in these verses. The way we stay in God is by keeping His Word, but for us to be able to keep it we have to study it.

The Bible says that the whole Word of God is useful to teach, to correct, to rebuke. The Word of God is useful to speak to us in our hard times, to make us return to the way, to keep us firm in the bad day.

Let us remain in Christ and His Word, for when that day comes when the Son of God is revealed, we can go together with Him and live an eternity saying Holy Holy, Holy is the Lord.

Trust Him, and He will do
Whatever we ask we receive from Him

11 comments on “Abide in Him

  1. i am not deserving to be your son oh God.. I am a sinner and ashamed in you because I am a filthy servant Lord! Pleasa forgive my sins and bless my family and children. I am sorry Lord.. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

  2. We all need to remember no matter who we are or how old we get we are still children in gods eyes and loving heart and hands listen learn love and our precious father will shield and take care of us forever love and respect what he offers all of us for eternity.

  3. Thank you lord for your amazing love and grace and mercy and everything you do for my family’s friends and neighbors and church’s family’s and me in the name of jesus I pray to God give you all’s the glory Amen and Amen thank you God

  4. My Lord I lay all my burdens at your feet and trust and know your time is not my time. My father use me as you see fit because I am ready. I speak of how you continue to love me when I dont love myself. Thank you for all you do. Amen

  5. Lord thank you for holding my hand today as i took my radiation treatments it was so much better for me, I was able to get through it without hardly any pain, i praise you dear God for being with me ,i praise you Lord always ,holy holy holy,Jesus Christ i praise you for ever.amen

  6. Thank You Father God For Your Grace And Mercy. Lord You Know My Burdens And My Struggles Thank You Always Making A Way When I Couldn’t See A Way. Thank You Father God For Your Covariance Over My Like As Well As My Family. I Praise You Lord! Hallelujah! Thank You!! Amen!!

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