The Lord is my helper

All the time we have our Lord as our helper. God is the one who sustains us in good and bad times, even when we have need, He does not leave us alone, He is always attentive to everything we need.

Let us not envy other people that we see prospering, let us rejoice and give thanks to God for the blessing of others, because God in His infinite mercy has allowed them to receive a blessing.

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,

“Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5

Let us not despise what we have, let us rejoice in God and be good stewards, because God is pleased with this wonderful work we do in His name.

The God we worship does not leave us alone, He is always with us, although we do not see Him, but His creation declares and pronounces His greatness for all eternity. He is a God who keeps looking at His children, and that wherever they are, there He will be to help us and protect us from all the wickedness of the evil one.

So we say with confidence,

“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?”

Hebrews 13:6

When we read the book of Psalms we will find words spoken by the psalmist David, and this man was in moments of anguish, he appealed the almighty God to help him and protect him from his adversaries. Something that this man had was that he was always confident that God would come to his aid.

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.

Hebrews 13:7

We must give an example of what we are, and as children of God we have to give by grace what we have received through grace, but if we receive good things from this we will give, and this will help us to bear witness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us be wise, but not in our own opinion, but let us ask God to help us to have wisdom from above, and also to help us increase our faith and to increase it in the same way every day.

God will keep in complete peace the one who trust in Him
Bless and do not curse

12 comments on “The Lord is my helper

  1. When God calls on us and we our born again he is all we need his love and grace we will be safe with him ! Love him have faith in him believe he is all we need let him work in us ,Thank you Father God Amen!

  2. I thank the lord for his undivided love and faithfulness towards me he promise to never leave or forsake us and he has been faithful to his promise and I dare to give him all the glory honor and praise, to worship him with all my heart. Hallelujah.

  3. God is awesome. He who sit high and look low.Thank you God for all you done for me.Thank you for Grace and Mercy. I love the Lord,He heard my cry. He keeps on blessing me and I can never thank Him enough.

  4. Thank you God for never leaving me thank you God for everything you’ve done for me in the name of Jesus I pray amen

  5. I give God glory for his mercy and favor over me and my family. Devil plan to make sorrowful yesterday but my God make me overcome. Hallelujah

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