He shields all who take refuge in Him

Our lives always have to be held in the hands of God and trust Him all the time, because He is our shield, our keeper.

God is the one who sustains us in times of crisis and darkness, He is the one who takes care of us so that we do not fall into an emptiness from where we can not leave with our own strength, and this is because the Lord helps us to get out of everything that is difficult that we find on the road.

You, Lord, keep my lamp burning;
my God turns my darkness into light.

Psalm 18:28

He is the one who gives us light in the midst of darkness, and in shadow valleys keeps us from all evil. When the evil one wants to attack us He warns us to prepare ourselves.

God is the one who straightens our path when it is twisted, helps us to understand His Word and gives us wisdom so that we can move forward, because the Word of the Lord tells us that the devil is cunning and that he is always attentive to attack us in the moment we least expect.

With your help I can advance against a troop;
with my God I can scale a wall.

Psalm 18:29

When we read this book of psalms, we are going to find a number of facts that happened when David was king. God was always attentive to all the movements of the psalmist David, but something that also happened was that the Lord of armies gave victory to his anointed David.

As for God, his way is perfect:
The Lord’s word is flawless;
he shields all who take refuge in him.

Psalm 18:30

The way of God is perfect, but if we do not walk in the perfect way of the Lord, then the enemy will come and attack us and this is because we are not confident or prepared in the presence of the almighty God.

It is good that we remember that the Lord’s shield will cover us all the time, but this is if we are in His presence, now if we are not on His way then we can not reach His great mercy, so it is good that we are on the right path and may the Lord be our shield and salvation all the time.

Almighty and unattainable God
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous

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10 comments on “He shields all who take refuge in Him

    1. We all have been forgiven through THE BLOOD OF JESUS our sins are throw into The Sea of Forgetfulness. Thank God for Jesus Love Him for His obedience, His LOVE. JESUS JESUS. HE LOVES US as we believe and come under His Authority. Be Blessed, accept the fact He Lives. Amen.

  1. Oh Lord I need u please watch over my son and keep him safe my only son I’ve left we need you to stand with us in our time of need….Thank you Amen

  2. Father, guide me as I follow the path of righteousness. Grant me wisdom, knowledge and understanding of your word. Amen

  3. Lord forgive where i have done wrong and give me the spirit salvation and my soul i want to know you more Lord every day in Jesus name amen.

  4. Yes I realize the things I dowrong i m trying ti move. Closer to God i really could use a prayer our a preying group Amen

  5. Thank you Lord for all you’re doing for my mother at 92 years old and healthy with no major illness or complaints just can’t hear or see well is her most problems. God is good, he’s able and we have faith lots of faith, AMEN


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