The Bible commands us to glorify the name of the Lord, He is the God of salvation and mercy, a God so kind as this should always be praised and blessed.
For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”
Romans 10:11
We must believe in the promises of the Lord, and believe in all that He will continue to do in our lives, it is important to hear the voice of God because if we listen to the voice of God, then everything we do will go well.
For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him.
Romans 10:12
The writer of this book mentions that there is no difference between Jew and Greek, is that the God of the Jews will be also for all those who invoke Him.
Remember that Jesus did not have respect of persons, He wanted that not only two groups receive salvation, but that we can all receive salvation. It is very remarkable that the Lord came to die for the whole world.
Sometimes we hear people say that they do not speak to sinners, but something that happened is that Jesus shared with sinners and gave them the message of salvation.
For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Romans 10:13
When we invoke the name of the Lord, peace comes to us, the name of the Lord is the only one in which we can be saved. Salvation comes from the Lord.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
John 14:6
For us to reach the Father, we must accept Christ as the only and sufficient savior, confess with our mouths that He is the Lord, because if we do not do so we will not be saved, so it is good that we confess that Jesus is the Lord of our salvation, because without Him we would not be here, breathing, walking, and seeing everything that moves around us and this is thanks to the Lord Almighty God.