God is good

Have you meditated on how good our God is? I think that when we wake up the first thing we should do is to meditate on how good God has been with us, because, in reality, we have not been good with God, but He has shown us His eternal goodness even without us being worthy of it. Normally, among us humans, we do kindness because someone has done something good for us, it is very strange to see a man do a good without expecting something in return or because that someone did something good and you have to return the favor.

Paul said to Timothy:

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time,

1 Timothy 2:3-6

God is good, yes, He is really good, then, He has done many wonders, powerful works, and among them the greatest work He has done for us is to bring us to the knowledge of the truth, because if He in His infinite mercy would not have brought us, we would not be here serving Him. In short, we owe everything to Him, everything we have, be it home, family, employment, everything we have is thanks to the goodness of God!

Many non-believers want to blame God for all the bad things that happen in humankind and with this they mean that God is not a good God, but a bad one. But you and I know that this is not the case, we know that our God is so good that He makes the sun rise on the good and the bad, that the rain descends on good and bad and that His mercies are open to every man.

The greatest act of love He did sending His Son to die for our sins on a cross, I do not really believe that there is an act of love greater than that. God does not want any creature to be lost, rather, His desire is that we all proceed to the continual repentance that is Jesus Christ and that we can be saved.

Good news to the dejected
The Lord is your keeper

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9 comments on “God is good

  1. I really like reading this articles, it gives me Courage’s and hove to faith in God. The goodness of our God , you can’t compare it with man kind. God is really good to us. Amen!

  2. Amen God is good all the time I says it every night after 12 clock thank you father God seeming another day my family and friends and my emiies 2 and watching over us cause I mean right now I need God more I need him heal my sister from cancer every part of germ or cells father God take it away and clean her body get rid of all germ father God you is the holy doctor love Amen

  3. God is good
    In the Scriptures are plenty of references about the goodness of our Lord God.

    These are three samples of it:
    “Good and upright is the LORD: therefore will he teach sinners in the way.” (Psalm 25:8)

    “O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusts in him.” (Psalm 34:8)

    “And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?
    And Jesus said to him, Why call you me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.” (Luke 18:18-19)

    Nobody can say anything against God, who created all things and sustains mankind on the world, after setting man and woman on the earth.
    And He thinks of their eternal security and the welfare of their souls.

    After Adam and Eve had fallen, he gave them a way to be near Him, to meet or commune with Him again. That was through the perfection of His beloved Son, Jesus, for those that believe in Himβ€”who is both God and man. As a man, Jesus wanted to receive the punishment the sins of mankind deserve.
    This is a special demonstration of love from God. Jesus Christ was on his Throne in heaven, but he left His majesty, took on a carnal perfect body, and He gave himself up, bearing and carrying our cross to a mount: Calvary. And there he died, suffering and shedding his blood, which cleanses of their sins those who go to Him by faith, admitting their guilt of sinners.

    God is good, yes: He is good and we are evil people by birth, inclined to do all sorts of evil things.
    If there are hardships on the world, it is men who provoke them: Calamities like mass killing, or wars. Sometimes earthquakes, pests, or tsunamis are some signals which were prophesied before the end of all things and the second coming of Jesus Christ (see the gospel).
    But as for us, Christians, let’s wait for the coming of Jesus, our Lord. To Him be glory.

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