The fear of the Lord is wisdom

It is important to see Job praising God after all that had happened, after all those difficulties that this man went through when God allowed the devil to try him to see if Job failed God.

To establish a weight for the wind,
And apportion the waters by measure.

Job 28:25

Here in this chapter 28 Job was talking about the greatness of God and the sublime that He is, someone who has control of all things, that even everything that exists was created by Him and so they have to obey Him.

Job, in spite of all his trials, continued to adore the name of God with all his heart, regardless of everything that came, or anything that could happen in his life and in his family.

But this man was wise to follow the commandment of the Lord, to continue enlarging his name in style, but we can see that the devil thought that Job would fail God for what was taken from him, but it was not so.

26 When He made a law for the rain,
And a path for the thunderbolt,

27 Then He saw wisdom and declared it;
He prepared it, indeed, He searched it out.

Job 28:26-27

Man like this says: that he has not seen or been at all times, whole, obedient, wise, and that he believed in God, that he did not curse God at any time of his anguish.

In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong.

Job 1:21

He was recognizing that we come naked to this world and that as we come we will also go away, but we can see that, as God gives, he can also take away, and this is what people today do not want to acknowledge, that God in His sovereignty does everything He wants and whenever He wants.

So let’s be wise before speaking ill of God, when we are going through a trial, remember what Job did, that being in that moment he made the best decision and glorified God and blessed Him, gave honor to Him. If you are one of these that seeing the trials glorifies God, then I tell you that it will be good for you all your way, for being obedient and wise in making this wonderful gesture of thanksgiving to God.

Sweet refuge
Why, my soul, are you downcast?

22 comments on “The fear of the Lord is wisdom

  1. In trials and tribulations, we are prepared for greater heights. Just as Job the servant of God continued to praise even in the midst of adversity, we are also quickened by the Spirit of the Holy God to remain steadfast in the midst of adversity. Our God is faithful and he will always come to our rescue.

  2. Amen job was obedient to praise God and still realize he was in full control and love the Lord through all his trials and tribulations amen to that I love the Lord with all my heart and all my soul and praise him everyday because without him I can do nothing thank you Jesus amen.

  3. This is a great word for us today, praise God in what ever circumstances we are in. God has the whole world in His hand. Amen and Amen.

  4. God is absolutely amazing even though you are going through situations keep praising him through it because a break through is not far away. Thank you God for it all.

  5. God is faithful and just to hear our cries. He is a father that continously shows love to his children. No matter how bad is relationship with him. He always ready to extend his grace to us.

  6. I know God has me but this storm that I am going through now only he can get me through it. I believe in the Lord with all my heart and I will always give him all the praise because with out him in my life I am nothing Amen

  7. I thank God for His wonderful words I thank Him for all His grace and mercy, His words is very powerful I am bless through His words, His Grace is sufficient for all of us, amen thank you Jesus. Amen

  8. I want to repeat that which is in today’s article:

    “So let’s be wise before speaking ill of God, when we are going through a trial, remember what Job did, that being in that moment he made the best decision and glorified God and blessed Him, gave honor to Him. If you are one of these that seeing the trials glorifies God, then I tell you that it will be good for you all your way, for being obedient and wise in making this wonderful gesture of thanksgiving to God.

    In James 1:3, we read:
    “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience.”

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