The permanence of love, faith and hope

Chapter 13 of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians is a great sermon on love. What is love? I think we would never get to the full meaning of love. Many define love as giving to the poor, fighting for the homeland, etc. but when we read this letter from the apostle we realize that not even those things are the maximum expression of love.

The word love comes from a Latin word that means “passion”. Actually we feel passion for many things, but really this does not mean that we are people who show the love of God. Love is something that can even be well defined, and that is why John says: “God is love.” It is that the concept of love is so spiritual that this is what can be ended by saying: “God is love.”

In the aforementioned letter the apostle speaks of a series of works such as giving to the poor, being sacrificed, having gifts, etc., but he says: “If I do not have love, I am nothing”. It is useless to have countless good qualities and to do good deeds if, after all, the love of the Father is not in us.

Many times we lose the sense of what is really the most important and we lean more towards other less important things than the love of God, and that is exactly why Jesus says: In these two commandments the law is summarized: “Love the Lord your God above all things and your neighbor as yourself. ” In short, the law is summarized in love.

Paul says to the Corinthians:

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

We must be Christians full of faith, believers that God exists, Christians full of hope, knowing that we have been promised a heavenly city, but above all, we must be believers full of love, because if we do not have love, it does not help have the faith that moves the mountains and nothing would be useful to believe simply in His promises, instead, love, that love of God remains forever and is above all things.

Let us ask God to help us to be believers full of love because love covers multitudes of sins.

Trust the Lord with all your heart
What is the mankind so that you remember them?

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5 comments on “The permanence of love, faith and hope

  1. Father God! Thank You For Your Unconditional Love..Lord I Love You and I Will Praise You All Of The Days Of My Life. Amen!! Thank You Lord!

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