Even the apostles were imperfect

From that day when man disobeyed the divine mandate, from that moment when man knew sin, all men after the first (Adam) were dragged by sin and we are still dragged by it. This means that before we were perfect beings in the likeness of God, but now we have become beings full of imperfections.

From Adam who was the first man to the last human being has sinned, since there is no perfect human being, including those great men of the Bible, those we admire and respect, but, the truth is that they once also committed errors like us and in one way or another this can encourage us, in the sense that our imperfections can not go higher than the plan of redemption of Christ for humanity. His eternal love, His inexhaustible mercy has reached us, not because we are good or deserving of His love, but because He decided to love us and that explains everything.

Do you think there was a perfect man in the Bible? For that question is easily answered through the Scriptures themselves:

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

Romans 3:23

Every man has disobeyed the divine law, every man has sinned, every man makes mistakes, and the Bible does not keep silence about this, then, we find the errors of the apostle Peter when he denied Jesus three times and later he was hypocritical when he preached different messages, one for the Jews and another for the Gentiles (Galatians 2:11-14). Thomas had to see and touch to believe that Jesus was alive (John 20:29). The same apostle Paul again and again tells us how weak man is. The Bible does not hide from us the error of Jonah in preferring that the merciful God destroy Nineveh instead of saving them. The Word of God never hides the mistakes of those men who were used by God, why? For every man is a sinner, but God is true.

Now what? Is there no solution for our sinful condition? In no way, for Paul himself continues to say to the romans:

And all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Romans 3:24

This is our solution to this condition, that even though we are imperfect beings, evil sinners, even so, God wanted to love us with a great love and sent His Son to die on the cross so that we can be justified by the faith that is in Christ Jesus, our beloved Lord.

God will wipe away every tear of His people
The perfect plan

6 comments on “Even the apostles were imperfect

  1. Yes we were sinners like the for Father’s but God never forget about his love for us, He gave us his own and the only Son to come to the world and to die to the cross for our sins.For the blood of Jesus Christ washed out our sins to become the new creations and to turn to God through the process of giving ourselves to Jesus Christ.

  2. Amen i am praying for my family that they will ask forgiveness of there sins.i know by God’s grace i am save and will spend eternity with him in heaven amen.

  3. Even the apostles were imperfect
    Besides the apostles, the Bible says there is none perfect, not one, but only those who have been perfected by the power of God in Jesus Christ, who is God.

    Jesus is the only one who is perfect, even in his human being; which enabled him to offer Himself up and die on the Cross, and in that way He blessed all believers.
    He has perfected forever all people who believe and wait on Him.
    “For by one offering he has perfected for ever them that are sanctified.”
    (Hebrews 10:14)

    In the Bible we fInd many men and women, apostles and prophets, elders and deacons, believers and unbelievers, who fail and make errors in the way of God:

    “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10)

    Therefore, there is not a perfect person, for all mankind has sinned against God. All of us, truly, are included in that vast group of people, among whom there is none righteous, not one: nor perfect in any case. Jesus has made his people perfect by his sacrifice.

    “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
    (1 John 1:9)

    His blood cleansed us of all sin and made us perfect children of God.

    Yes, indeed, in Jesus Christ we are perfect people for the glory of God.

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