It is said that difficult times we all have, but I add that not all of us know how to content ourselves in these terrible situations. I have always said that difficult moments are those that help us to mature our faith, they are painful, but they always have a way out, at God’s time, not ours. In the most difficult trial we must ask God to teach us to trust in Him with all our heart.
Many men in the Bible professed this unshakeable faith, of believing in God at the worst moment. Many of them felt weak at one time, but their faith was greater than human weakness. In the Bible we have great stories, for example: Three young people who preferred to be thrown into a furnace of fire for being faithful to God. On the other hand, we have the famous story of David, who did not measure the size of his enemy, but wanted to demonstrate to the whole world how great God is.
We have a man of God who said some very profound words and that can help us in difficult times to increase our faith:
4 comments on “Even if the fig tree may not blossom, I will rejoice in the Lord”
The Joy of the Lord is my strength.
Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.
Thank you Lord in you I put my trust no matter what
Thanks God i trust in you
God almighty will see me through in every situation,He is Faithfull God.God richly bless you all.