The power of patience and the soft response

When we speak of patience, we are referring to us for everything we do must be with love and dedication, and not be like these people who are angry about anything, and who do not have patience.

The following Biblical verse tells us that we must have patience so that a ruler can be persuaded.

Through patience a ruler can be persuaded,
and a gentle tongue can break a bone.

Proverbs 25:15

These comparisons and moral lessons spoken by Solomon, are for those people who do not have patience in anything they do, and who do not stop and ask themselves “will I be okay?”, but they continue with their mistake, and continue with that failure, until they stop and analyze, they will not get out of their error and they will not know that in order for everything to go well, you have to learn to be patient.

Softness: to speak without passion or provocation. “The gentle tongue breaks the bones”. The bone is a very hard substance and serves here as simile, a soft word softens the toughest spirits and prevails over the most angry men.

When we do not have mercy we speak of a way to mistreat others, and that no matter how the other feels. This is what people who are not soft-spoken do.

We can understand that every day we are going to meet with this type of people, some who are strong and others who are weak.

It is important that we who have the ability to speak with love and compassion help others who are not gentle tongue.

It is good that we reflect, and that when we address a person, let’s think first what we are going to tell him, because by a badly pronounced word the self-esteem of this person can fall. That is why it is good that we have this pending, that Solomon was referring to that at that time there were people with that lifestyle, and that there are still some like that today.

 So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.

Genesis 50:21

The great cost of following Jesus
Struck down, but not destroyed

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3 comments on “The power of patience and the soft response

  1. The power of patience and the soft response
    “Through patience a ruler can be persuaded,
    and a gentle tongue can break a bone.”
    Proverbs 25:15

    In our day lives we meet several kinds of people; and, in our relationship with them, we need to exercise patience. Sometimes they are brothers in the faith: and that ought to motivate us to have peace with them.
    Patience is a gift we are called to exercise as a fruit of the Spirit, with the love which comes from God.
    (Galatians 5:22)

    The apostle Paul instructed us to be long-suffering whenever we come into contact with one another, in love. He said:
    “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation with which you are called,
    With all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love
    Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
    (Ephesians 4:1-3)

    As holy people, chosen by God, we must walk worthily, in the way of life that the Lord wants: in lowliness and meekness, with love and long-suffering, trying, with great interest, to keep the unity of the brethren, in the bond of peace. That requires for our behaviour towards others to be in love, bearing with people in their character flaws or lack of love.

    As always, we are led to beseech our Lord to give us what we need to
    put this teaching of the Scriptures into practice. We seek the glory of his name.

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