Saved by grace

We are saved by grace, and this has a broad meaning, there are several questions we have to ask ourselves to understand the fact that we are saved by grace. First, let’s go to the Bible:

Made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.

Ephesians 2:5

The first thing we must understand is what the apostle says: “We were dead in transgressions”. We know that man began to disobey the divine will in the Garden of Eden at the time of eating from the forbidden tree and such a scene dragged all mankind. It is important to recognize the following:

Everyone has turned away, all have become corrupt;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.

Psaml 53:3

Human nature is towards sin, from the beginning it has only wished evil and not God. Sin brings death, for which the apostle Paul says we were dead. Oh, what a great miracle! While we are dead, Christ raised us and gave us life.

Why are we saved? We are saved exactly as explained in the previous paragraphs, we were dead in our sins and Christ saved us from this: “of death and sin” And says that He gave us life together with him.

Christ has given us life when we did not deserve it. This grace and this salvation were not given to us because we deserved it or because we were good people, on the contrary, we were spiritual deads, sick people who needed a healer, and God provided us that Healer and Redeemer, who is our beloved and Lord Jesus Christ .

There are people who live waiting for a miracle from heaven, we do not know if you are one of them, but we want to tell you that the greatest miracle has been done by Jesus dying for you on the cross of Calvary.

Praise God for this, because he has loved us with a love that is above all love. We are saved by divine grace and no one could give us a better gift than that.

The offering of the poor widow
Come to Jesus those who are weary and burdened

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