Jesus is walking by your side, do you know Him?

Many times we think that Jesus walks well away from us, but it is not like that, He is closer than we think. The apostle Paul said: For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ (Acts 17:28).  We live in God, because He is life itself. So if you thought that Jesus is miles away from us, that is not so, He is very close and the truth is that sometimes we do not recognize Him.

This article will be based in Luke 24:16

But they were kept from recognizing him.

This is a great story, which fills us with great inspiration. The truth is that in this part Christ has already been resurrected and those who were on their way to Emmaus had not recognized him, they had not believed that the Christ of glory had risen on the third day, and that is why Jesus tells them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have said! They had their eyes blindfolded, even though at first they spoke of all the wonders that Christ had done before his death, they simply did not believe. And this surprises Jesus and calls them foolish and slow of heart.

Sometimes we are also foolish and slow of heart, because even seeing all the wonders that Christ has done in our lives, we doubt his divine grace. But many times our heart becomes that way because God himself allows it and then our eyes are opened and we recognize more accurately the glorious person of Christ.

Jesus, always showing us His strong words, but at the same time the greatest patience, has a very pleasant conversation with those who were on the way. Jesus declared the Scriptures from Moses to the prophets, from everything that was said about Himself.

In verses 30 and 31 it says:

30 When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them.

31 Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.

The same has happened with us, we have lived for so many years, and the Master has always been among us, but we have not recognized him, why? Because our eyes were blinded, but God by his mercy has allowed our eyes to be opened and this does not make us better than the pharisees and scribes, because this is a grace of God.

Brothers, Jesus is around us, let’s not doubt it for a second, He is to console us and speak to us with the most sublime tenderness.

The power of the gospel
Desire to be in the house of the Lord

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