Receive your miracle

Sara, who was Abraham’s wife, received a miracle from God, even though she thought she could not have children, because of her age.

Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, “After I have grown old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?”

Genesis 18:12

This story is shocking, when we hear that Sara laughed after having heard the man of God said that she would have a child.

At that time Sara did not believe what she was hearing from Lord. Surprised, she thought: “I am already old, how can I have a child, if my husband is old too and he has no strength.”

Here we can see that the Lord tells Sarah, that for Him nothing is impossible, that He does everything in His time. But later we will see how the Lord speaks.

13 And the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Shall I surely bear a child, since I am old?’

14 Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.”

15 But Sarah denied it, saying, “I did not laugh,” for she was afraid.

And He said, “No, but you did laugh!”

Genesis 18:13-15

Sometimes there are difficult moments in which doubt comes into our lives. Sara, woman of God, when she heard these words said she was afraid to hear that she would have a child, since humanly this was impossible because of their advanced age.

We have to believe in the promises of God, since faithful is the one who promises and we should never question his words, since God is not like men, God always fulfills.

The Word says that Sara was afraid. But when the time came to be pregnant, Sarah believed, and the Lord gave her strength so that she could conceive her son named Isaac.

By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.

Hebrews 11:11

And to conclude, it is good to wait when the Lord promises us, because just as he did with Sarah, he can also do with us if we believe, because he is the Lord, good, powerful and just, someone who when he says “I will do”, does and fulfills above all the obstacles that want to rise up against of us. Believe and He will do, trust, and He will arrive at the time that corresponds. As he did with Sara.

Love covers a multitude of sins
Prayer asking for help

12 comments on “Receive your miracle

  1. I needed to read these exact words this morning , these words reminds me that I need not to worry about all that is taking place in my finances and being blessed with the right man that the Lord wants in my life…Thank You Jesus. I received these words ! AMEN !

  2. amen. thank you lord you are the wonderful and i know you giving a miracle for my life and im wishing you know whats in my heart thank jesuschrist our lord n my savior

  3. How did you know I am in a situation where I seriously needs this word? ,thank you so much, God bless you, You made my day

  4. I trust God to show strong on my behalf, I trust God to set Louis my son free from prison in Jesus Mighty Name Amen and Amen.

  5. This reminds me of the old hymn standing on the promises of God. The hymn reinforces who God is and the wonderful gift He has given us, the Lord Jesus Christ.
    The final verse of the hymn.

    Standing on The promises of God I cannot fail,
    Listening every moment to the Spirits call,
    Resting in my Saviour as my All in all,
    Standing on the promises of God.

  6. Am Rahab there is a time am reaching asking God too much questions bcz I resigned my work and everywhere am drop my cv no one can see Is there something wrong with me all God has forgotten about me bcz the time in qatar I told me lord I want to work in the company iam now for two years then after that I find something paying good so that I will be able to help my family and people who are in need but now am loosing my patience please pray for me as I go to drop the cv in the offices also online I blv God tym is the best time bt now am really tired am giving up sometime I don’t want to give bcz of my son am the father & mother to him I love your message every day I read them and I feel more strong & encourage in jesus name amen

  7. I thank the lord to bless me with a wonderful husband . we may not have nothing but with christ we have everything . thank you Lord.

  8. I am in a tight situation in my life right now regarding my finances. My property is on the Virge of being auctioned to pay bank loans. But I trust the Lord will provide and take care of the situation. I need a miracle to get out of this Red Sea situation(Exodus 14:14). With God nothing is impossible. I pray to my God .I am Worthy !! I can do All things through Christ who strengthens me. Lord … I am waiting for your Help. Please do not stay away from me. I have Faith in your powers to perform miracles. Visit me right now Lord. I need you.

  9. Receive your miracle
    In things which happen in unexpected, even unreasonable ways for us—because they seem contrary to reason—, faith has a vital role. That was the case with Sarah, Abraham’s wife, as Scripture tells us.

    “And the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Shall I surely bear a child, since I am old?’
    Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.” (Genesis 18:13-14)

    The power of God was manifested and at the appointed time Sarah, who was a barren old woman, could bear a child and hold him in her arms—yes, a child whose father was nearly a dead man, as the Bible says.

    This was a wonder, a miracle the Lord performed to fulfil the promise He made to Abraham: that all nations would be blessed in his seed. But Sarah could not understand that, and she laughed at it, because she did not believe in the power of God.

    It was by faith that Sara received her miracle, that child in whose birth she had not believed.

    Some among us could testify about some wonder the Lord has made in their lives. If you are a child of God, a wonder was performed in your life; but you must believe it and receive your miracle with all its consequences.

    First of all, who are children of God?
    “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”
    (Romans 8:14)

    Children of God are those who are led by the Spirit of God. That means that they act by faith, and do good works seeking their Father’s glory. They love Him and love their brothers. God’s children are those that have received the Spirit of adoption whereby they cry: “Abba, Father”
    (Romans 8:15).

    Really that is a true miracle: a renewed life and new habits; a change which makes us different people. All the children of God live in newness of life. They hate sin, because their Father hates sin. They are progressively on their way to holiness because their Father is Holy.

    We are called to wish and fight to be like Jesus Christ, who makes us new creatures and cleans our sins off us. We now desire to please our Father, who has adopted us as his children through faith in his beloved Son—the only one who could make us truly perfect at his sight.

    If you have received that miracle, you will not be able to forget it. The power of God leads your life, and you long to be near Him. You adore Him and feel dependent on Him in all matters of your life.

    Let’s give thanks to God, for he has worked in us such a wonderful miracle

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