Honor your father and your mother

In the recent times, we are seeing how teens are acting, and disobeying their parents regardless of what parents are suffering because of the disobedience of their children.

And we not only mention teenagers, we also see this in people of all ages, who do not measure their actions and often even cause the death of their parents. Below we show you the only commandment with promise:

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

Exodus 20:12

Here we see clearly what the Lord is telling us, what we should do with our parents, and this was one of the commandments that the Lord gave Moses when he was in the desert. The word “honor” is used to put someone on high and value who deserves it, and also to show them this kind of values that have been lost: Be respectful, treat them with Love, be obedient, dressing them, and using good communication with them, to this is what the Bible refers when talks abuout to honoring our parents.

We show another verse, which explains what happens to those who do not obey but curse their parents.

If someone curses their father or mother,
their lamp will be snuffed out in pitch darkness.

Proverbs 20:20

And this is the consequence of cursing your parents, it says that his lamp will be extinguished in darkness, and that everything will go wrong and his days will be shortened, and with this we see that it will no longer be the same, and this is for disrespect your parents, as this other verse says:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Ephesians 6:1

But we must also raise our children in the ways of the Lord as his Word says, so that when our children are grown they can obey us at all times.

We will finish with the following biblical quote, telling you what we must do so that our children have a good habit and so that they can be obedient as the Word of the Lord says:

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

Ephesians 6:4

Be strong and of a good courage
Jesus, the way to salvation

12 comments on “Honor your father and your mother

  1. Can someone help me i regret my past and am still asking my mum for forgiveness till date I realise I was wrong d day i had my frist child

    1. First you must repent and ask GOD for his forgiveness and pray for your mom if she has not forgiven you. GOD will see you through this.

    2. I want you to know we must ask for forgivness as God has forgave us for all of our sins .If you ask for forgivness from someone and you feel this and prayed on it first. Your heart your slate has been clean if that person doesn’t except your forgiveness they must live with this on there heart you have done what God asked of you.Now you must give it to God keep praying for her and let God handle your worries.God Bless

    1. Honor your parents, this is a command from God, but how can someone honour their parents when they neglect and abuse you and now that I have begun to remember my mum has turned her back on me , my father died before I remember ed , I know there is a part of my that loves them but there is also a part that does not trust her and is very angry with her and my other abusred , God wants me to forgive and this I want to do too and can do with God by my side, but I can’t trust any of them again,
      So honouring your parents can come at a cost, for to me it did, but I now have the one and only true Father, my Abbr Father in heaven is with me always through His Son Jesus my Saviour Amen Thank you God

  2. This is a great commandment , of the Lord, with a promise of long life, on earth.
    To honour someone you love, is not difficult. I’ll add love your and honour them, so it’s shall be well with you.

  3. I’m sorry to hear, I’m honestly scared for my own younger sister when the day of realization for her arrives. If you are truly repentant though YAH can change the situation if you trust and obey him.

    I pray Psalm 130 will encourage you and strengthen you to break free from disobedience.

  4. Honor your father and your mother
    The Lord God promises that children who honor their father or mother will be blessed with long lives; that is, they will receive all things which they need to live, wherever they are.

    “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”
    Exodus 20:12

    The work of parents is a difficult task, as we strive to make our children grow up in the way of the Lord. We, parents, know how hard it becomes to raise a person who does not want to be properly raised. And also, what a dangerous thing it may be for our children to have a relationship with other young people of the world!

    But we are expected to be patient parents, who pray for their children.
    As in all things in life, we need the power of God to lead our children in the way of faith, in Christian instruction.
    “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”
    Ephesians 6:4

    May the Lord God help parents to lead their children in the right way and prevent them from being cast away, separate from the family of God, remembering that:
    “For the promise is to you, and to your children,…
    and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call.”
    (Act 2:39)

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